Drawing copy of Nandini from Govt. Primary School, Nagwa
Nandini is a student of 5th standard at Govt. Primary School, Nagwa in Varanasi. 95% of students like Nandini are enrolled in Govt. Primary Schools. According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2014 published by Pratham NGO, the overall picture of basic reading is sick. In 2014, only a quarter in standard III, only a half in standard V and around 75% in standard VIII, of all children respectively can read a standard II text accurately.
Another grisly situation evaporating from findings shows that children in standard II who still cannot recognize numbers up to 9 has increased from 11.3% in 2009 to 19.5% in 2014.
Statistics of English reading aptness flaunts another risible situation. In 2014 only 25% of standard V children could read simple English sentence, this figure is maintained since 2009. In 2014, only 60% of those capable of reading words (irrespective of grade) could explain its meaning, and only 62.2% of standard V could narrate a sentence’s meaning.
Shuruart strongly believes that introducing art into the curriculum of these children can greatly affect their learning. Studies have proven that retention can be enhanced when learning is made more fun. Through our art workshops in govt, primary schools in collaboration with Kokuyo Camlin we're trying to do just that.